Hawkeye is a superhero from Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is a master archer and marksman who uses a variety of arrows and gadgets to fight crime. He is also a member of the Avengers, a team of superheroes that includes Iron ManIron Man is a fictional superhero created by Marvel Comics. ..., Captain AmericaCaptain America is a fictional superhero created by Marvel C..., ThorThor Odinson is a fictional superhero from Marvel Comics and..., HulkHulk is a fictional superhero created by Marvel Comics. He f..., and others. Here are some facts about Hawkeye’s origin and history:
- Hawkeye was created by writer Stan Lee''Stan Lee'' (born Stanley Martin Lieber; December 28, 1922 ... and artist Don Heck, and first appeared as a villain in Tales of Suspense #57 in 1964.
- Hawkeye’s real name is Clint Barton, and he grew up in a circus where he learned archery from the Swordsman and Trickshot.
- Hawkeye was inspired by Iron ManIron Man is a fictional superhero created by Marvel Comics. ... to become a hero, but was mistaken for a thief by the police. He then met and fell in love with Black WidowBlack Widow is a fictional character from Marvel Comics and ..., a Russian spy, and worked with her for a while.
- Hawkeye joined the Avengers in 1965, along with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, as part of a new lineup after the original members left. He often clashed with Captain AmericaCaptain America is a fictional superhero created by Marvel C..., but eventually became his loyal friend.
- Hawkeye has used other aliases and identities, such as Goliath, Golden Archer, and Ronin. He has also led and founded other teams, such as the West Coast Avengers, the Thunderbolts, and the Secret Avengers.
- Hawkeye is portrayed by Jeremy Renner in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and has appeared in several films, such as ThorThor Odinson is a fictional superhero from Marvel Comics and..., The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain AmericaCaptain America is a fictional superhero created by Marvel C...: Civil War, and Avengers: Endgame. He will also star in his own TV series, Hawkeye, on Disney+ in 2021.