Spoiler-Man saved Spider-Man
Last week, Sony and Disney decided to keep Spider-Man in the MCU with a new deal. Both companies tied themselves in a contract again, hinting that somewhere in the future, Spider-Verse and Marvel Cinematic Universe cross over is possible. You might think that it was Kevin Feige''Kevin Feige'' (born June 2, 1973) is an American film prod... or any other exec who made it happen. But they are not. According to Hollywood Reporter, Tom Holland is to thank for this development as he played a vital role in keeping this deal by convincing higher power at Disney and Sony.
According to the report, Holland spoke with the CEO of Sony and Disney amid tension between two companies. The Spider-Man star was also cast as the lead in Sony’s upcoming Uncharted movie. He spoke to the chairman of Sony, Tom Rothman, and convinced him to reconnect with Disney. The star also reached out to the CEO of Disney, Bob Iger. It seems like Holland successfully showed fans and his spark for Spider-Man character.
Sony and Disney cut their paths because of Disney moving out of the last deal in which Disney wanted ‘More’ earning from Spider-Man franchise for being in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The latest agreement made among both companies doesn’t comprise of a 50/50 split; however, Disney and Marvel get 25% profit from the third Spider-Man movie but also pays a quarter of production cost.
It’s a piece of undoubtedly happy news for every fan, including Tom Holland, who celebrated by posting a meme from The Wolf of Wall Street. The meme is a scene from the famous movie in which Leonardo DiCaprio shouts, “I’m not fu***ng leaving! The show goes on!” While we had to censor that feeling but you know how it felt when you heard that Spider-Man is back!
The third Spider-Man movie will hit theatres on July 16, 2021. The new deal of Sony and Disney leaves two Spider-Man movies, one standalone film, and one MCU film appearance.