Actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw, who plays Ravonna in Marvel’s Disney+ series Loki, has confirmed that she’ll be returning for the second season. The filming for Loki’s season 2 has already begun in the United Kingdom. If everything goes right, Loki Season 2 won’t be getting a release date before 2023. However, if there are any COVID restrictions or other matters that could delay production, we could see a delay in the Loki Season 2 streaming on Disney Plus.
Recently, Gugu Mbatha-Raw appeared on Good Morning America and confirmed that she will be returning as Judge Ravonna Renslayer in the second season of the Marvel Studios Disney+ show, Loki.
However, she didn’t say much about the second season, but shared her excitement about playing Judge Ravonna Renslayer and “explore her further”. Season 1 of Loki is already streaming on Disney Plus. Have you watched Loki? If yes, let us know what do you think of the god of mischief’s role in the first season.