Kahhori is a new Marvel character, never been seen in movies or comics.
The Tesseract takes on a new life and a new mythology, transforming a lake into a gateway to the stars and leading Kahhori, a young Mohawk woman, on a quest to discover her power.

Kahhori is a brand new character introduced in What If…? Season 2, Episode 6. She has never been mentioned before in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or comics. Kahhori gets her superpowers from the Space Stone, giving her incredible speed and strength.
Real Name | Aliases | Species | Gender | Affiliations | Status | Appearances | Portrayed By |
Kahhori | Starlight, The Tesseract’s Chosen, The Mohawk Marvel | Human (enhanced by the Tesseract) | Female | Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Avengers (What If…? universe) | Alive | What If…? season 2 | Devery Jacobs |
Powers & Abilities

Power/Ability | Description | Source |
Cosmic Energy Manipulation | Kahhori can generate, project, and control cosmic energy, which manifests as blue light. She can use this energy for various purposes, such as blasts, shields, flight, and healing. | Exposure to the Tesseract |
Enhanced Strength | Kahhori possesses superhuman strength, allowing her to lift heavy objects, break through barriers, and overpower opponents. | Exposure to the Tesseract |
Enhanced Durability | Kahhori can withstand high levels of physical damage, such as falls, impacts, and explosions, without sustaining serious injuries. | Exposure to the Tesseract |
Enhanced Speed | Kahhori can move at superhuman speeds, both on land and in the air. She can also react quickly to incoming threats and dodge attacks. | Exposure to the Tesseract |
Enhanced Senses | Kahhori has enhanced vision, hearing, and smell, giving her an advantage in tracking, scouting, and combat situations. | Exposure to the Tesseract |
Multilingualism | Kahhori can speak and understand multiple languages, including Mohawk, English, and alien dialects. | Natural talent and learning |
Combat Skills | Kahhori is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts, as well as using various weapons, such as knives, spears, and guns. | Training and experience |