Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse sequel to arrive in April 2022

A frame from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse / credits Sony Pictures

Sony’s Spider-Verse is expanding, and since Tom Holland’s Spider-Man’s return to the MCU, the plans of the new Spider-Verse movies are hopping in. The announcement of the sequel to the animated Spider-Verse movie was made on twitter with a glitchy video on Spider-Man logo:

Sony hasn’t confirmed if voice actor Shameik Moore will return to the role; however, he will likely return for his character. Executive producer Amy Pascal said to io9 earlier this year on Sony’s commitment to the Spider-Verse:

“We are definitely hard at work on the sequel. You can expect another movie.”

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has been named as one of the best Spider-Man movies of all time with stunning visuals and visionary direction in superhero genre when the superhero movies were getting bland. It also grabbed an Oscar for the Best Animated Picture 2019.

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